In his New Year's message the ITF's President Paddy Crumlin recognises ITF successes in 2016 and vows to fight inequality, fear and intolerance in 2017.
Among the positive transport union wins in 2016, Crumlin recognised the groundbreaking protocol agreed between the ITF and UNI Global Union and DHL, ITF unions' backing of the solidarity effort of the Korean labour movement to oppose the government of Park Geun-hye, and the ITF's lifting the lid on the secretive corporate structures and tax minimisation schemes used by Chevron and other major North Sea oil producers.
Crumlin said: "In looking forward to 2017 it is clear that more than ever trade unions are essential for any decent and functional future for working women and men and our families. We stand for peace and social, economic and political justice and accountability in the face of the institutionalised inequality and elitism that create a breeding ground for fear and intolerance"
To read the full statement, go here.