The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) and its affiliated unions are taking action to help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan. Despite the devastation and the breakdown of many local…
The ITF and its affiliates are celebrating the International Day of the Seafarer today, Tuesday 25 June.
Called by the International Maritime Organization, the day offers a chance to recognise and…
The ITF today applauded the determination of a Philippines union – and the international solidarity which helped sustain it – that has led to the re-employment in regular jobs of some 600 workers.…
ITF Americas regional secretary Antonio Fritz has spoken out to correct a number of erroneous and unchecked reports in the Paraguayan media. These attack the ITF-affiliated SOMUPA (Sindicato Obreros…
Transport sector workers in Tunisia have called a one-day strike on 12 December 2013 in response to the continuing erosion of workers’ rights. ITF affiliates Fédération Nationale des Transports (FNT…