The ITF and its affiliates are celebrating the International Day of the Seafarer today, Tuesday 25 June.
Called by the International Maritime Organization, the day offers a chance to recognise and…
The ITF today applauded the determination of a Philippines union – and the international solidarity which helped sustain it – that has led to the re-employment in regular jobs of some 600 workers.…
ITF Americas regional secretary Antonio Fritz has spoken out to correct a number of erroneous and unchecked reports in the Paraguayan media. These attack the ITF-affiliated SOMUPA (Sindicato Obreros…
Transport sector workers in Tunisia have called a one-day strike on 12 December 2013 in response to the continuing erosion of workers’ rights. ITF affiliates Fédération Nationale des Transports (FNT…
The ITF Seafarers’ Trust – the charity arm of the International Transport Workers” Federation – today authorised two grants totalling GBP100,000 to aid Filipino seafarers and their families affected…