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ITF inspectors and dockers’ and seafarers’ union members began an East Asian maritime action week today in ports in Japan, Korea, Russia and Taiwan. The event runs from 23 to 27 June.   During…
The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) and its affiliated unions are launching a week of action today from ports on the Black Sea to combat what an updated report from the organisation…
The Solomon Islands National Union of Workers (SINUW) was the only private sector union in the country, and represented a number of industries – including transport. The union survived both the…
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is today holding an investor briefing with United States Stock Exchange analysts in New York to explain why energy giant Chevron’s Gorgon project…
Eighty five seafarers from across the world attended the seminar, run by the NSU (Norwegian Seafarers’ Union) in cooperation with the ITF, FIT-CISL (Federazione Italiana Trasporti) and AMOSUP (…