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More than a dozen seafarers from South Korea, Myanmar, Vietnam and Indonesia are now making their way home after the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and its Iranian affiliate helped…
The humanitarian effort to feed, repatriate and fight for the seafarers’ outstanding wages has been spearheaded by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and its inspectors. This week…
'It’s expensive, but it’s the right thing to do’ – that’s the message from the global union body for seafarers as the ITF calls on shipping companies to pay the millions of dollars required to get…
Since the ITF brought you the story of the crew of the MV Onda, it seems Mohamed Amin has plunged to new depths in his exploitation of the seafarers. The ITF has obtained evidence that the MV Onda…
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) condemns in the strongest possible terms the attempted military takeover of Myanmar’s fragile democracy currently taking place. The voice of…