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Representatives from maritime, railway, road and civil aviation unions will be there from Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan,…
Every ITF region, industrial section and cross sectoral department (women and youth) will have their own conference falling under the umbrella of the Pathway to Congress (P2C). P2C is designed to…
When Captain Radhika Menon and her team came to the rescue of a small fishing vessel in the Bay of Bengal, an award for bravery was the last thing on her mind. The first woman captain in the Indian…
Since 2009, Chevron has spent $61 million dollars on political candidates, committees and lobbying in California, far more than any other oil company. “While Chevron’s political spending has kept its…
‘I know my status’ is a collaboration between the ITF, ITF affiliate the Associated Maritime Officers and Seamen’s Union of the Philippines (AMOSUP), manning agent JMG and employer Magsaysay’s social…