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Guatemala’s Sindicato de Trabajadores Unidos de Empornac (SITRUEMPORNAC) and Costa Rica’s Sindicatode Trabajadores de la Junta Administrativa Portuaria JAPDEVA y Afines Portuarios (SINTRAJAP) used…
A call has gone out to unions to attend, or send letters to the Norwegian Transport Workers' Union (NTF), to demonstrate their solidarity with workers who are fighting to maintain the protected…
The campaign launched with an online video, as well as the unveiling of a five metre high installation of a Chevron executive with their head in the sand: The Western Australian branch of the MUA has…
It was also the most participatory ITF congress ever. View our facts and figures. ITF president Paddy Crumlin was re-elected unopposed, while Steve Cotton was installed as general secretary. Watch…
Natural Fruit began legal action against UK citizen Andy Hall in February 2013 for his part in producing the report Cheap Has a High Price, published by the Finnwatch NGO (, which…