The ITF have advocated for new guidance to governments from the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) prioritising aviation workers’ and passengers’ safety while pushing airlines to do…
It was an image that shocked many. A ship with the desperate scrawls of a desperate crew scribbled across the hull of what had become their floating prison, as the tanker bobbed aimlessly in the warm…
The ITF and our affiliates have been striving for practical crew change solutions from the outset of the global pandemic, when governments implemented protective measures. With the impact on…
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has slammed government inaction to alleviate the crew change crisis, declaring that current Covid-19 border and travel restrictions risk creating…
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has issued a stark warning that if temporary short cuts adopted in the industry during the Covid-19 pandemic continue or become permanent, then…