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On day one of Kenya’s new Covid-19 safe crew change guideline implementation, Betty Makena Mutugi, International Transport Workers’ Federation inspector (ITF) in Kenya, set her alarm for 4am to make…
While the Court of Rotterdam’s decision today in the Netherlands is disappointing, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and the…
On 12 August, the International Transport Workers’ Federation-affiliated Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union (MTWTU) of Ukraine helped 6 Ukrainian seafarers return home after they were duped by a…
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), which represents 1.4 million seafarers, has today expressed growing concern at the Wakashio grounding situation and for the welfare of its crew…
After recent success in helping the crew of the MV Contamines get off their vessel and be repatriated via Panama, the ITF has helped more seafarers get home to their families via the central American…