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As Malta became the 34th International Labour Organization member state to ratify the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 on 23 January, the ITF has cautiously approved the progress made across the…
The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) is calling on Panama to join the effort to help the recently released crew of the Iceberg 1 to recover from their hostage ordeal. The crew of the…
A leading African trade unionist has challenged unions across West Africa to do things differently in response to the region’s social and economic problems. Bayla Sow, ITF executive board member and…
ITF-affiliated unions around the world are showing support for their colleagues in the ILWU (International Longshore and Warehouse Union) in what could be a major labour showdown in the Pacific…
As Malta becomes the 34th ILO member state to ratify the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) today gave its cautious approval to the progress…