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The ITF and its affiliate the Seafarers' Union of Turkey (TDS) organised a one-day MLC seminar in Istanbul on 7 May to raise awareness of the implications for Turkey of the imminent entry into force…
ITF-affiliated unions around the world are showing support for their colleagues in the ILWU (International Longshore and Warehouse Union) in what could be a major labour showdown in the Pacific…
A solidarity fund launched today by the ITF to raise £40,000 to support Palestinian drivers and their union in Gaza got off to a flying start, with immediate union pledges totalling over £13,000.…
Eighteen HIV positive transport workers from unions across Kenya recently came together for the first time to share their experiences and discuss how to develop the Usafiri Positive Workers Network (…
The main outcome of the meeting was the agreement to escalate organising over the next four years across the industrial sections in strategic hubs, corridors, key transportation companies and the…