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In the wake of initial signs of positive movement in the struggle by the Maritime Union of New Zealand (MUNZ) to gain a fair and just contract with the Ports of Auckland Limited, the Maritime Union…
An international conference on empowering women maritime workers brought together over 100 academics, union representatives, merchant navy and naval officers and representatives of international…
Affiliates at the ETF 2013 congress on 29-31 May in Berlin, Germany assessed ETF activities over the past four years and set the organisation’s work priorities for the next four years. ETF President…
ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) president Paddy Crumlin today spoke out in defence of trade unionist Bob Carnegie and in strong condemnation of legal actions taken against him by…
On David Cockroft’s final day as ITF general secretary, 31 May, he sent a personal message to the organisation’s affiliates in which he formally handed over the reins to his successor, Stephen Cotton…